During an afternoon with Kenny, we stopped to help a lost man get home. Had we not listened to the Holy Spirit, that man would have been caught in a massive storm!
MATTHEW 28:18-20, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me (Jesus). Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of YESHUA HAMACHIACH / JESUS, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age."
“Get mobilized and ready to go!”
BulldozerFaith is committed to reaching the poor and broken-hearted within local communities, discovering ways to build effective evangelism models and visible points of ministry service, particularly in recreational areas — offering prayer, hope in Yeshua (Jesus), water immersions (baptisms), and Bible study discipleship.
“A prophetic journey to demonstrate that God’s word is truth.”
For many years, BulldozerFaith has prayed and waited on the Lord’s timing to raise His spiritual army, and now we have arrived at this new chapter with a plan and commission from the Holy Spirit. The journey to get here has been amazing, unraveling the mysteries of the Messiah and restoring many key foundations lost in Christianity today. After years of testing and growing in Yeshua as we walked the Land of Israel, BulldozerFaith believes that the blindfold is coming off the eyes of believers, and the time has come to step into the harvest fields. Over the last few months, we have watched pastors open their eyes to the hunger around them, awakening the desire to join us in this mission to reach the lost and be a witness to ALL of our community, not just those in our congregations.
Through this mission agency, we want to develop 1,000 outreach sites in parks and public gathering areas across North America with gazebos offering prayer, letters of hope, and baptisms. By living our faith where those not yet saved can see, we become a testimony that attracts atheists and lost individuals of all backgrounds to witness the transformation and feel comfortable speaking with us.
We recognize the urgency of this task and believe the Holy Spirit will provide for the size of this vision and produce the fruit that will lead to many meeting their savior, Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ).
“The best way to build is to be an example.”
By establishing a mission training house in Fort Worth, Texas, BulldozerFaith will invite people to stay, train, and discover how to minister the Gospel of the Kingdom to their communities. Through equipping the body of Messiah with small groups and larger training events, we will release individuals and couples into their ministry callings — offering mission opportunities, ordinations, and ministry support to those who demonstrate leadership skills.
Pastor of the Park
“Hi, Pastor of the Park, will you pray for me?”
Consistency is the key to outreach because it shows the people that you care about building relationships. During a two-week mission outreach in a park in Fort Worth, Texas, Kenny Russell saw many of the same people every day and became known as the “Pastor of the Park.” Through witnessing the baptisms, prayer times, and daily declarations of faith, the people began trusting Kenny and, by the end of his time, were lining up before he’d even set up his gazebo to ask for prayer.
After hearing this phrase numerous times, Kenny felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit to establish a project that trains pastoral ministries to go into their local parks, bringing the love of God to unbelievers right where they are.
MARK 16:15-18, "He (Jesus) said to them,"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In My Name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
Components of the Mission Agency
Houses of Peace
Mission Training
Street Evangelism
Prayer Tents
Teaching Materials
While on the mission trip, Kenny shares the understanding of the ‘Mystery of Messiah’ and just how important it is to our faith. One of the main reasons Kenny is back in the USA and Canada is to share the Gospel of the Kingdom from a Hebraic perspective. He draws from the experiences and words of the disciples and the apostles as they walked in those days, to show Christians how many practices they are keeping that would have been foreign to the first believers in the Bible. He addresses some of these key elements in this video to determine if the true Gospel is being preached in the Western culture today.
Kenny Russell is a Scottish Israeli. Sharing testimony and a prophetic message which is important for believers all over the world. The message is about “Bulldozerfaith, Living Life in the Spirit.” While Kenny and his family were living in America in 2006, Kenny received a word from the Lord. He said, “I want you to tell my people about ‘Bulldozerfaith.’ It’s time for my people to get Yeshua out of their backpacks and into their hearts and on the right foundation.” In this video, Kenny details the prophetic vision he received and the message to share in Israel and out to the nations. It took six years after the initial word on ‘Bulldozerfaith’ and a move to Israel before Kenny was given the message to preach.
This is a powerful message and vital for those who will go out to be a witness and testimony. We are not going out just to share information. We need to go out in the name of Yeshua with power and authority. We need to enquire of Yehovah to receive from Him and be equipped in His presence. When Kenny arrived in America, he stepped out in faith with a word from the Father, “To go!” The Father is providing supernaturally everywhere Kenny goes because he is walking in the power and authority of a mighty God. If you’re going to be effective in evangelism, there is one thing you need to understand–that you need to be sent.

Over the last four years, we started to follow Torah and learn the Scriptures. We thought we were isolated and unable to connect with others like-minded in the same area. We both prayed...and then we heard the music coming from your tent.
I wanted to say how much Madelyn and I enjoyed you being here with us while we were doing outreach here in the Arlington/Fort Worth area.
I was swallowed up by my own sin. But, Jesus had other plans for me. My name is Matthew, and this is my testimony.